Zero Trust Data Security
Unlock the power of data by organizing and protecting the world's business information
Rubrik Zero Trust Data Security™ for Microsoft 365
Insight, together with Rubrik protect all your Microsoft Enterprise Applications with Rubrik’s Zero Trust Data Security™. Rubrik delivers a software platform to protect, automate, and govern Microsoft applications across data center and Azure. Enterprises achieve near-zero RTOs, self-service automation at scale, and accelerated cloud adoption. Learn about Rubrik better together with Microsoft solutions below.
Ensure your critical Microsoft 365 data is secure, easily discoverable, and always accessible with air gapped backups for data protection.
Rubrik builds on Microsoft’s native tooling with comprehensive backups and recovery automation to safeguard from data loss and facilitate streamlined management of your Office 365 applications.
- Protect from Ransomware with Air-gapped Data: Secure access and zero trust architecture
- Recover from Accidental Deletion: Point-in-time recovery, granular restores, near-zero RTOs.
- Unify Management of Microsoft 365, Datacenter and Cloud Apps: Simplicity of a single solution for all workloads.
Zero Trust Data Security from Datacenter to Azure
Using Zero Trust Data Security, enterprises can recover their data after an attack and avoid paying the ransom. Together, Rubrik and Microsoft will help enterprises manage hybrid and multi-cloud data security and defend against escalating ransomware threats.

Fast Track to Azure with Rubrik
Rubrik for Microsoft delivers a single software to protect and manage data from on-prem to Azure.
- Management simplicity via policy-driven automation
- Fast recovery with instant access, from on-prem to Azure
- Application mobility for cost-effective long term retention, application recovery, or test/dev
- Native protection of your virtual workloads and SaaS applications running on Azure
Zero Trust Data Security from Datacenter to Azure
Using Zero Trust Data Security, enterprises can recover their data after an attack and avoid paying the ransom. Together, Rubrik and Microsoft will help enterprises manage hybrid and multi-cloud data security and defend against escalating ransomware threats.

Cyber Resilience
Safeguard data in Microsoft Azure from compromise with immutable backups. Recover at any level of granularity from a single cloud snapshot.

ManagementConsolidate the management of thousands of Azure subscriptions across multiple regions with a single UI.

ProtectionEliminate manual, time-consuming job scheduling and simplify operations with policy-based SLA management at the subscription, application, and user levels.
Rubrik + Microsoft Zero Trust Summit (OnDemand)
Join Rubrik + Microsoft to learn how together, we can protect your mission-critical applications and enterprise workloads from the threat of ransomware, automate data operations, and facilitate your transition to the cloud.
Rubrik Cloud Vault
Recover from cyber attacks & avoid paying the ransom. Dramatically reduce the risk of backup data breach, loss, or theft. Build a cyber-resilient business by storing immutable copies of your data in a Rubrik-hosted cloud environment that is logically air-gapped from your core IT workloads.
- Isolated off-site cloud archival of your data.
- Fully-managed service to reduce data risk & operational complexity
- Predictable cost that includes all charges to stay within budget.
Qualify for free Rubrik Cloud Vault, now eligible by our Ransomware Recovery Warranty.