The concept and the challenge
Helping to manage the world's largest geographic jurisdiction
With the largest geographic jurisdiction globally, the WA Housing Authority is also the second largest land conveyancer and property developer in WA. The department was faced an enormous challenge in managing and maintaining the huge variety of properties under its jurisdiction, as well as maintaining the safety of its property inspectors and tenants. “The job itself can be difficult to perform, especially with many properties located in remote areas where telecommunications are limited,” explained Majid Bassiri, Acting CIO. Insight was tasked with creating a mobile solution that would improve the way property inspectors work, along with maximising safety for themselves and the tenants across Western Australia. These improvements would use intuitive mobile application design and cloud technologies to reduce inspection time, allow more flexible working arrangements for inspectors, reduce travel time and minimise paper use.
Since the rollout of the mobile app, the department has reached its ambitious target of at least 20,000 affordable housing opportunities (5 years ahead of schedule!) and has now committed to providing an additional 10,000 housing opportunities by 2020.
The solution
A challenging task requiring an integrated solution
The Housing Authority inspectors faced several challenges, with many properties located in remote areas with little to no telecommunication coverage.
It was imperative for the new solution to be able to work offline and upload when coverage is available. Mobile Apps offline sync provides the ability to download an inspection while in areas of internet coverage.